Thursday, October 16, 2003

Looks like we're not balling tonight. Weather's getting cold, sun's setting earlier. Plus the uncles have reserved ADAMS center bball court for badminton. I am a natural born playa when it comes to that sport. I had never played the sport until that one fateful Field Day at Glen Forest Elementary. Got me a blue ribbon. Awe yeah, Ivan Lendl had nothing on me.

I think our family bought one of those cheap nets for our backyard once. Man I was ripping serves like anything. Beware though, shuttlecocks can hurt.

So I want to find a racquetball court that's free. Racquetball balls are cool as hell. Its too bad they come in sets of 2 so I can't show off my juggling skills. Maybe I'll stock up. One can never have enough of those blue balls.

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