Monday, November 03, 2003

This morning after fajr we tried going back to bed. Nuriya, on the other hand, was ready to start her day. All fatherly biases aside, Nuriya is by far the cutest kid ever. The past two days, she's begun by arching her back in ways only she knows how, to look up towards the head of her crib at a flower on her bumper. We really need to get her a mobile! She stays in this poistion, sucking on her fingers, for up to 20 minutes, mashaAllah so cute. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera on hand. Until recently, Nuriya used to patiently wait awake in her crib for her parents to wake up. Or at least not cry until we got enough sleep after fajr. But in the past few days she's discovered her voice! And now she just lets out this continuous squeal which only a parent can love. She went on for about half an hour just talking away. So I'm running on a little less sleep than normal.

Mariam just called. She's got a sore throat and a screechy voice. The funny thing is that Nuriya is confused! A different voice is coming out of her mama's mouth! I've asked Mariam to let Nuriya do the talking today. Can't wait to get home once again.

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