Thursday, November 06, 2003

Despite it being Ramadan, I have this repeated urge to say: Shiatsu! The other day we had dinner at the food court in the mall. There's this halal joint called Grill Kabab. The food came out bad so we ended up junking it. Our peoples are the most unoriginal entrepeneurs this side of the Vietnamese. What's up Pho 23? We have Grill Kabab, Charcoal Kabab, Korner Kabab, and Moby Dicks. I have no explanation for that last one.

Any way, after "eating" and attempting to sucker Mariam into getting some Ben & Jerry's, we strolled through the mall and on the way out stopped in The Sharper Image. We basically sat there for a good 30 minutes. Holy shiatsu that was nice. I think I'm gonna get one for us and the 'rents.

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